We are looking for volunteers to contribute their time and skills in: Teaching, Building, Medical services, Environmental conservation, Sports and Life skills. We offer unique opportunities for volunteers of any age, sex and background to make a big difference to a small but vibrant community.A unique chance to become part of a real African community and learn the cultural skills and language of the local people.

Our volunteers come from most age   groups, and many cultural and ethnic backgrounds.
When you make the decision to help us in supporting and promoting volunteerism, we at Huruma Care Development take it very seriously. We understand that we will both gain from finding the right person for the right volunteer role within our organization.
We value our relationships with all of our stakeholders and you, our potential volunteer, can play a key role in building a center of excellence for volunteering.

Volunteer in HUCADE Orphanage Program
There are many orphans and street children in  Arusha and Manyara Region. Local organizations protect the children by offering Children’s homes.

The organizations running orphanage programs are short of resources and manpower at our center in Arusha. Therefore, the help of international volunteers is greatly needed and appreciated for both professional and non professional are warmly welcome to cross the finger together to save people who are in needy.
As a volunteer in the orphanage program, you will be involved in teaching English and other subjects as well as helping them with their homework. You will also help the orphans to understand the importance of hygiene, sanitation and good manners.
Additional activities include help in organizing creative activities like games, painting, drawing, and maintaining the compound and orphanage buildings.

Education – Our education volunteers work with colleagues locally, helping them to improve their teaching and leadership methodologies and practices. Volunteers on the teaching program in Tanzania assist with the teaching of different subjects in primary and high schools.

Volunteer teachers can teach mathematics, science, geography, social sciences, history, business education, English, art and music. Volunteer teachers are not required to have teaching experience.
Our volunteers work in schools with students who come from very difficult economic circumstances or are orphans.Volunteer can teaches at our Kindergarten here in Arusha.

Volunteer Health Program in Tanzania
Help facilitate a better quality of life for people in Tanzania when you volunteer with our Health Program in Tanzania.Our health volunteers improve the quality & availability of healthcare services, and strengthen the skills of health professionals in disadvantaged communities. For example: doctors, midwives, nurses, public health officials.As a volunteer in this program, you will be helping local residents who cannot afford proper health care. Volunteers in the health program help conduct nutrition workshops, work in  community health clinics and hospitals and provide medical and dental treatment at the public and  private clinics .

Communications – Our communications volunteers generate creative solutions that nurture organizational growth. For example: fundraisers, marketing advisors, communication specialists.

HIV and AIDS – Our HIV and AIDS volunteers offer practical healthcare, support advocacy initiatives, network with local government, and raise awareness and money for projects working in the area of HIV and AIDS. For example: HIV/AIDS health professionals and program managers.

Community and Social Development – Our community positions are varied, but all work towards the common goal of bettering people’s lives and bringing about social change. For example: physiotherapists, speech therapists, social researchers, social workers.

Natural Resources – Our natural resources volunteers offer support in small business development, marketing and financial planning, and in technical skills such as coastal resource management, horticulture and agriculture. For example: agribusiness, agricultural specialists, animal science, horticulture.

Business – Our business volunteers assist small and medium-sized businesses by helping them to improve income generation and/or to become sustainable. For example: business managers, IT professionals, project managers.

Volunteer Tanzania » Accommodation & Meals
Volunteers stay with host families. The volunteers placements are comfortable and may be shared with 1 or 2 other volunteers. Accommodation is usually within walking, cycling or a short bus ride from the project. Three meals per day are provided.

Tanzania Volunteer Program is open to all:
We invite individuals, couples, families, students, researchers, and groups (churches, colleges, and student associations).
Our programs are flexible and volunteers can arrive and depart on any day all year round.



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